
This page covers the Terms of Service (Terms), Privacy Policy, and Refund Policy of the Discord Bot, *Psycord*.

Psycord Bot

Terms of Service

Effective Date: June 26, 2024


Welcome to Psycord, a service provided by [Your Company Name]. We're glad to have you here! These Terms of Service (the "Terms") form a binding agreement between you and [Your Company Name] ("we", "us", or "our"). By using or accessing Psycord (the "Services"), you agree to these Terms and our Privacy Policy, available at [insert privacy policy URL]. If you do not agree with these terms, please refrain from using our Services.

Usage Agreement

By inviting the Psycord bot and using its features, you agree to these Terms and our Privacy Policy. You acknowledge that you have the privilege to use the bot freely on any Discord Server you share with it. You can invite it to any Server for which you have "Manage Server" rights, but this privilege may be revoked if you breach these terms or the Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, or Community Guidelines of Discord Inc.

By inviting the bot, it may collect specific data as described in its Privacy Policy. This data is intended for core functionalities of the bot such as command handling, guild-specific settings, and the spawning system.

Intended Age

The bot may not be used by individuals under the minimal age described in Discord's Terms of Service. Doing so will be seen as a violation of these terms and will result in the removal of the bot from any servers you own.


Psycord is not affiliated with, supported, or made by Discord Inc. Any direct connection to Discord or any of its trademark objects is purely coincidental. We do not claim ownership of any of Discord's assets, trademarks, or other intellectual property.

Acceptable Use

The Services may only be used within the scope of what they are provided for, under these Terms and applicable law. By accessing the Services, you agree that you shall not use the Services in a manner that:

  • Violates these Terms, or any applicable laws, regulations, or contractual agreements;
  • Infringes on the intellectual property rights of any party;
  • Is threatening, harassing, defamatory, libelous, deceptive, fraudulent, malicious, obscene, or otherwise objectionable;
  • Jeopardizes the security of your or any other person's account (such as exposing login credentials);
  • Attempts, in any manner, to obtain passwords, accounts, or other private information from other users;
  • Interferes or attempts to interrupt the proper operation of the Services;
  • Exploits or publicly informs other members of any error or bug which gives an unintended advantage;
  • Involves programs or operations designed to falsely resemble or impersonate the Services to deceive other users;
  • Involves the development, distribution, or use of unacceptable software programs (as listed below);
  • Involves the unapproved exchange of Virtual Currency or Virtual Goods outside the Services; or
  • Condones, benefits from, or is otherwise in connection with any person who violates these Terms.

We reserve the right to terminate or suspend your access to the Services immediately, without prior notice, and under our sole discretion, for any or no reason whatsoever, including, without limitation, a violation of any of the foregoing, any other behavior deemed a violation of the Terms of Service, or sufficient reason to believe you have willingly and knowingly supported or condoned behavior from another user that violated the Terms of Service.

If you are unsure whether an action may violate the Terms of Service, please contact the Company for pre-approval.

Prohibition of Automation Tools

The Services are intended to be used by humans only. To ensure a fair and equitable experience for all users, you shall not develop, distribute, or use software programs that interact with the Services in any manner that:

  • Involves the automated sending of messages;
  • Involves the automated execution of gameplay actions;
  • Involves the automated use of any in-game systems; or
  • Otherwise automates interactions with the Services, including the use of "bots" and other "auto" programs.

Privacy Policy

Usage of Data

Psycord may use stored data for features including but not limited to command handling and monster spawning. No usage of data outside these cases will occur, and the data is not shared with any third-party site or service.

Stored Information

Server Data

The bot may store the Server's ID when invited to a new Discord Server.

User Data

The bot may store user information when a user uses the /start command, including:

  • User ID
  • Chosen name
  • Last command usage time

No other information outside of the above mentioned will be stored.

Temporary Storage

The bot may temporarily store information in an internal caching mechanism. Cached information will be dropped after a certain period and only re-added when required. Data may be dropped from cache prematurely through actions such as removing the bot from the Server.

Removal of Data

Automatic Removal

Stored data can be removed automatically by removing ("kicking" or "banning") the bot from a Server. Re-inviting the bot will add default values back to the bot's database.

Manual Removal

Manual removal of data can be requested via email at [email protected]. For security reasons, proof of server ownership is required. Only a server owner may request manual removal of data, which will result in the bot being removed from the server if still present.

Technical Limitations

Automatic removal of data may be limited due to maintenance or technical issues. In such events, you can request manual removal via email.

Purchases and Refunds

Virtual Currency and Virtual Goods

Psycord features multiple in-game currencies: "Pokedollars", "Star Piece", and "Comet Shards", along with other virtual goods ("Virtual Goods"). These are not real-world currencies and cannot be exchanged for real money or other values outside of the game. Virtual Goods and these in-game currencies are intended solely for use within Psycord as specified by the game.

Purchasing and Usage

  • Discord Roles and Comet Shards can be purchased using real money through our third-party payment processor, Stripe.
  • All transactions are final and non-refundable, except as required by law.
  • Virtual Goods and in-game currencies may only be used within Psycord and are subject to change or removal at our discretion.

Prohibited Transactions

You may not trade, sell, or exchange Virtual Goods or in-game currencies outside of Psycord. Prohibited activities include but are not limited to:

  • Trading Virtual Goods, Pokedollars, Star Piece, or Comet Shards for real currency;
  • Exchanging Virtual Goods, Pokedollars, Star Piece, or Comet Shards for cryptocurrencies;
  • Trading Virtual Goods, Pokedollars, Star Piece, or Comet Shards on third-party platforms.

Refund Policy


All microtransactions are final and non-refundable. Due to the digital nature of these items, once they are claimed and used, we cannot issue refunds. Make sure to only make these purchases if you're sure about your decision.


Voluntary donations are used immediately to support ongoing operations and development. Therefore, we cannot refund donations once made. Please ensure you evaluate all aspects before making a donation.


If you subscribe to a service and choose to cancel, refunds can be issued under certain conditions if the rewards or benefits have not been claimed or used. Refunds can be requested within 7 days of the original purchase or renewal. Refunds after the 7-day period will be considered on a case-by-case basis and may involve a processing fee. If any benefits or rewards have been claimed, the subscription becomes non-refundable. Refunds will not be granted for periods of non-use within the subscription period.

Requesting a Refund

To request a refund, contact our support team at [email protected] with the following details:

  • Name
  • Discord ID
  • Transaction ID
  • Reason for Refund

All refund requests will be considered but are not guaranteed and will be granted at the sole discretion of Psycord. If a refund is obtained through false or misleading circumstances, we reserve the right to terminate the associated account, limiting access to our services.

Limitation of Liability

To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, under no circumstances shall the Company be liable to you for any indirect, incidental, special, punitive, exemplary, or consequential damages, including lost profits, loss of data, or goodwill, service interruption, computer damage, or system failure or the cost of substitute services, arising out of or in connection with these Terms. In no event will our total liability arising out of or in connection with these Terms or from the use of or inability to use the Services or content exceed one hundred United States dollars ($100).


You agree to indemnify and hold the Company harmless from and against any and all claims, liabilities, damages (actual and consequential), losses, and expenses (including attorney's fees) arising from or in any way related to any claims relating to (i) your use of the Services (including any actions taken by a third party using your account), and (ii) your violation of these Terms.

Service Interruption

To ensure maximum performance and level of service, the Company reserves the right to interrupt the operation of the Services for maintenance at any time, informing users appropriately. The Company may also decide to terminate the Services altogether at any time. If the Services are terminated, the Company will cooperate with users to enable them to withdraw personal data in accordance with the law.

Additionally, the Services may not be available due to reasons outside the Company's reasonable control.

Changes to These Terms

The Company reserves the right to update these Terms of Service at any time. If changes are made, we will notify you by posting the revised Terms on our website and/or through other communication channels. Your continued use of Psycord after such changes signifies your acceptance of the revised Terms.


For any questions or concerns regarding these Terms, please contact us at [email protected], or open a support ticket in the #🦤・post-office channel in the official Support Server Discord for the bot.